Driving process improvement, performance and effectiveness

Driving process improvement, performance and effectiveness

Who Are We?

Who Are We?

Quality Blue Ltd is a company formed with a team of consultants each with over 20 years experience.
The focus is on using EFQM Excellence Model and ISO-based Quality Management Systems to drive process performance and business growth,  with particular expertise with LEAN, EFQM and ISO 9001, AS9100, ISO 13485, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001 management systems.

Quality Blue Ltd is a company formed with a team of consultants each with over 20 years experience.
The focus is on using EFQM Excellence Model and ISO-based Quality Management Systems to drive process performance and business growth,  with particular expertise with LEAN, EFQM and ISO 9001, AS9100, ISO 13485, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001 management systems.

EFQM regosnised oragnisation
EFQM regosnised oragnisation
EFQM regosnised oragnisation

Quality Blue is an ADS (Aerospace & Space) SC21 Strategic and Training Partner for the delivery of the SC21 Operational Excellence (OE) and Competitiveness and Growth programs.

We offer the full support and delivery of the SC21 program with a proven track record of success to Bronze, Silver and Gold performance award companies in Ireland, Northern Ireland and UK. Check out ADS SC21 website.

Quality Blue is an EFQM Strategic Partner for the delivery of consultancy, training and recognition. Quality Blue can work with you through tailored business and process improvement programs resulting in European Benchmarking, and EFQM Recognition levels.

Our Services

SC21 Operational Excellence (OE)

We offer the full support and delivery of the SC21 program with a proven track record of success to Bronze, Silver and Gold performance award companies in Ireland, Northern Ireland and UK.

EFQM Excellence

We can work with you through tailored business and process improvement programs resulting in EFQM Recognition levels.

ISO Compliance

Stay ahead of the curve with ISO-based Quality Management Systems that ensure peak process performance and safety.

Skills Academy

Training, Auditing, Consultancy and Recognition are delivered through a team of dedicated and experienced Associate Consultants, providing the best people with the right experience to deliver the best projects - every time, everywhere.